Aug 23, 2011

No Pipeline Petitions Links Videos & Rally Dates

No Keystone Pipeline Petitions - Postcard Campaign No Keystone Pipeline  Rally Dates

State Department Sued For Not Disclosing Keystone XL Pipeline Lobbyists’ Communications

With 12 leaks in 12 months, say NO the the Keystone XL pipeline and NO to 80 Oil Spill Enbridge and the Northern Gateway through our Boreal Forest and the entire continent!

Fax Stephen Harper for FREE online: 613-941-6900
Free online fax:

Send a postcard (no postage necessary)
Prime Minister Stephen Harper
House of Commons
Ottawa, ON K1A 0A6

To coincide with the Ottawa No Keystone Pipeline Rally in Ottawa:
On September 26th 2011 we’re planning a peaceful protest in Ottawa to say no to a toxic tar sands industry and defuse the largest carbon bomb in North America
With people power and the time-tested tactics of civil disobedience – join hundreds of people from across the country in a sit-in. Together we’ll amplify our voices and escalate the movement and stop the tar sands and build the just, healthy future we all want to see!

We stand at a pinnacle time in our history. We must be the change NOW!

No Keystone Pipeline XL Petitions Videos Statistic Links & Rally Dates.

Keystone Pipeline has 12 Leaks in 12 Months 
Built to Spill "..their proposed computer systems will not be able to identify pinhole leaks, which could potentially lead to thousands of gallons of oil escaping the pipeline for months before the company notices."
Farron Cousins | Expert Warns That TransCanada's Keystone XL Pipeline Assessments Are Misleading
"An independent analysis performed by University of Nebraska professor Dr. John Stansbury, an environmental engineer, claims that TransCanada's safety assessments for their proposed Keystone XL pipeline are misleading and based on faulty information."

NO Pipeline
Keystone XL Petition 1:
Days left to Stop Canada's Deadly Oil

40 000 signatures and counting

Keystone NO Pipeline Petition 2:

Tell President Obama to reject a Keystone pipeline - the world's dirtiest oil
No Keystone Pipeline XL Petition 3:
Stop the Tar Sands Oil Keystone XL Pipeline

Keystone NO Pipeline XL Petition 4:
Say NO to the TransCanada Keystone Pipeline

No Pipeline Petition 5:
Hands Off Canada's Boreal Forest

NO Keystone XL Pipeline Petition 6:
Tell President Obama: No to Keystone XL

No Keystone XL Pipeline Petition 8:
Tell Secretary Clinton to Stop the TransCanada

No Keystone Pipeline Petition 8:
Stand in Solidarity - Stop the Tar Sands!

NO Keystone Pipeline Petition 10:
Tell President Obama: Stop the Keystone XL Pipeline (US only

NO Keystone Pipeline Petition 11:
No Keystone Pipeline - Sign petition on Keystone I protective measures 

Keystone XL Pipeline Petition 12:
Tell President Obama: Stop the Keystone XL Pipeline (US only) 

NO Keystone Pipeline Petition 13:
Stop the Tar Sands Pipeline! Petition  

NO Keystone Pipeline Petition 14:
Save Sandhill Cranes from Dirty Oil
Stop the Tar Sands Pipeline! Petition 

NO Keystone Pipeline Petition 15:
Protect the Peace-Athabasca Delta Stop the Tar Sands Pipeline! Petition

 NO Keystone Pipeline Petition 16:
Voice Your Opposition to the Dirty Keystone XL Pipeline

NO Keystone Pipeline Petition 17:
ell Obama to Protect Clean Air!

NO Keystone Pipeline Petition 17:
ell Obama to Protect Clean Air!

No Keystone Pipeline / Tarsands Petition 18 -1:
Tell Oprah: Stop promoting dirty tar sands lies on your network - USA

No Keystone Pipeline / Tarsands Petition 18 - 2:
Tell Oprah: Stop promoting dirty tar sands lies on your network - Canada

 No Keystone Pipeline / Tarsands Petition 19:
Tell the President to Defend Clean Air!

URGENT ALERT! Murphy Oil faced with Indigenous women’s blockade on fracking site. Plans of construction on 4 new fracking sites begin tomorrow. The women have vowed not to leave until they are confident the fracking won’t go ahead. Show some Solidarity! **If you are interested in helping to support this action please contact:
Louis Frank 403-795-7945
Mike Brucehead 403-737-2194 For a good backgrounder on the plans for fracking and the concerns with the impacts check out:

 Blood Tribe Members Call for Moratorium on Hydro Fracking

All Strong-Hearted People Invited To Come and Stand With US!
DEFEND Mother Earth!

Tar Sands Action
Block the proposed Keystone Pipeline from Alberta

 No Pipeline : VOTE ONLINE: Are you in favour of an oilsands pipeline? CBC 

No Keystone XL and TransCanada pipelines!
List of Keystone Spills and Leaks in 1 Year:

Executive Officer of Suncore appointed Minister of Development in Alberta and Suncore is still paying her salary?!! Pollution investigations are killed at the political level. "if a tree falls in the forest". Spills kept secret for months!? The industry has it's own laws and policing?
Please contact your local representatives and tell them you appose the Keystone XL and TransCanada pipelines. Each and every one of us are responsible for our future.

Canada tries to hide Alberta tar sands carbon emissions

The Keystone XL pipeline will enrich the oil giants while Americans pay for it with our environment, our climate and even our lives. As we move toward a clean energy future, there is no room for the most destructive oil on the planet. I urge you to prevent this disaster-in-the-making by rejecting the Keystone XL pipeline.
The proposed Keystone XL pipeline would carry dirty tar sands oil from Canada’s Boreal forest to refineries in Texas, driving more destruction of songbird habitat, fueling global warming, and threatening drinking water for millions of Americans. The U.S. State Department is rushing towards approval of this fiasco, which is designed to enrich the oil giants. Please send a message telling Secretary Clinton to reject this disaster in the making.

Block the proposed Keystone Pipeline from Alberta

NO Keystone XL Dirty Tar Sands Pipeline - Video
Aberta's tar sands pipeline fail 16X more than American pipelines. Transcanada has threatened landowners in 6 States if they refuse the pipeline.
Help stop this dangerous pipeline: No Pipeline Petition by National Wildlife Federation
Be the Change 

Battle Cry for CANADA!  No Keystone Pipeline Ottawa Rally / Sit-In Keystone Protest Massive protest, the LARGEST act of Civil Disobedience in Canadian History is going to take place in OTTAWA on SEPT. 26th to Stop the Tar Sands. This even is endorsed by Council of Canadians, Greenpeace, Clayton Ruby, Indigenous Environmental Network, etc. Respectful dress & conduct is a MUST. Details at this link here: Spread the word.
The answers are there. Our "Harper" government must change it's imperialistic oil investing attitudes before we are "allowed" to explore these alternatives. See: Four Ways to Solve the Energy Crisis.There is also FREE ENERGY, but with no money in it, the truth will be vigorously suppressed. Complacent consumers need realize their "creature comforts" are responsible and BE THE CHANGE. Ongoing Arrests of peaceful Keystone Pipeline protesters: watch the video 2 weeks of peaceful Keystone Pipeline protests in front of the Whitehouse planned.
As of Aug 25th, 2011: click here for the details.  As of Tuesday, Aug 25 2011, "322 arrests have been made". "We've been told now that they're doing it as a deterrent," spokesman Daniel Kessler said." 160 peaceful demonstrators arrested and held for 24 hours without charges for protesting the Keystone Pipeline over the weekend. -  huffingtonpost

Proposed TransCanada Keystone XL Pipeline
NO TransCanada Pipeline through The Great Bear Rainforest – A view from above The proposed Enbridge pipelines would bisect Stuart Lake and Stuart River here.
See Bulkley-Nechako, British Columbia, Canada.
Posted by International League of Conservation Photographers July 7, 2011  Stuart Lake and Stuart River © Neil Ever Osborne Aerial photography was made possible by LightHawk and pilot Steven Garman.

First Nations Hit Back Against Harper; Say Enbridge Northern Gateway Pipeline Will Be Stopped in Its Tracks

Keystone and Plains All America Spills "The importance of these actions has been heightened by more oil spills in Canada, this time an Enbridge leak on its Norman Wells line in the Northwest Territories. The latest leak follows several other recent incidents that have hobbled pipelines in Canada, including the recently discovered 4.5 million litre crude oil spill near Little Buffalo in Alberta – the largest spill in Alberta in 35 years."

With oil spills continuing — the latest coming only a week ago, when 28,000 barrels spilled from a Plains Midstream Canada pipeline near the Lubicon First Nations village of Little Buffalo in Alberta — B.C. aboriginals’ fears of oil contamination of water, wildlife and way of life, is hardly unfounded. - financialpostbusiness

"Prime Minister Harper, the son of an Imperial Oil accountant, has described the megaproject as "an enterprise of epic proportions, akin to the building of the pyramids or China’s Great Wall. Only bigger."

Twitter Harper:!/pmharper

Keystone tar sands pipeline spills again - 12 spills in 12 months
"the company claims that Keystone I was built with “state of the art” design features and was predicted to spill no more than once every seven years. We’re now at twelve leaks in less than a year of operation. Most troubling of all is that fact that after all of these warnings, State Department is still fast tracking the environmental review of Keystone XL".
Natural Resources Defense Council

Alberta oil industry devastates an entire community.
In 21 pregnancies, 19 were stillborn. The Lubicon Cree Nations land is dead, the wildlife gone, the elders... gone.

Film: Our Land, My People | Justice for the Lubicon Cree
Amnesty International Canada Why should the Lubicon Cree Nations need Amnesty International for their human rights IN CANADA? Their land was stolen drilled and poisoned.  Oil developers made $1 million a day in it's first year alone and has grown exponentially since. In 1984 they asked our government for help. They are dragged through the courts for almost 2 decades. (See Details) It's not over! Our government is cruel! We need to demand better of our public representatives.

Witness: To the Last Drop - Documentary - Part 1

A small town Canada is facing the consequences of being the first to witness the impact of the Tar Sands project, which may be the tipping point for oil development in Canada.

Tar Sands Scam:
Keystone Pipeline Estimates are purposefully misleading: The real estimate is 5,000 Jobs Over 3 Years Is it Worth Risk To People, Economy, Wildlife & Water? Are 5,000 jobs worth the 82% greater GHG emissions from Canadian tar sands crude as compared to average crude refined in the US?

Tar Sands/Oil Sands Investors Applaud Shell's Newfound Caution about the Tar Sands

Our land is sacred, and the people who inhabit her are mere stewards. The spirit of Canada is at stake. If this project is not stopped, the repercussions will be immeasurable and no amount of money will save you, us, the planet. We must protect her NOW. ♥ Kim Hunter

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