More pro-pipeline bias and conflict of interest found - “The further evidence of collaboration between State Department officials and TransCanada that these documents provide should disqualify the unrepentant State Department from playing any role in the new environmental review," Source
by Mark Fiore
"Even though TransCanada doesn't have a presidential permit to build the pipeline, the company has been threatening to confiscate properties like this from people.."
TransCanada Lobbying Keystone XL Pipeline Half a Million
Lobbyists for TransCanada and the Keystone XL Tar Sands / Oil Sands Pipeline, who have have direct ties to the Obama Administration and Hillary Clinton, spent $540 000 in the 3rd quarter lobbying the State and citizens. Source
Update: "Fortunately, our Keystone XL campaign has also shown us that democracy and the right to protest our government can be a path toward accomplishing goals: Just last week, President Obama announced his administration’s decision to delay the permit process for the Keystone XL project and seek a new environmental impact review. This could force the administration to realize what we already know: that the Keystone XL is not in our national interest." Source
No Keystone XL No Pipeline No Enbridge, No TarSands Expansion!
The Dalai Lama and Archbishop Tutu along with seven other Nobel Peace
Prize winners wrote a letter to the president asking that he block the
pipeline. 1253 arrested Source
12,000 pipeline protesters circle White House to protest Keystone XL
State impact review for Keystone XL Pipeline FLAWED
Tar Sands PR Wizard Ezra Levant spins tar sands crude as “ethical oil” like his tobacco lobbyist days.
With claims of the Non-Profit: Ethical Oil being 100 percent independent of government and industry" the Co. shares the exact mailing address of a prominent tar sands law firm known to be a major client of Keystone:
Obama hires another ex-oil lobbyist as a senior adviser:
http://www.politico.comNo Keystone Pipeline No Tar Sands Protest
From Tarsands Action: On Sunday November 6 the Tar Sands Action will return to Washington DC to send an unmistakable message to the President. Exactly one year before the election, we want to encircle the whole White House to ask President Obama to reject Keystone XL and live up to his promise to free us from the tyranny of oil. In doing so, we want to remind him of the power of the movement that he rode to the White House in 2008. This is bigger than any one person - President or no - and we will carry on, with or without him.
No Tarsands Pipeline Petitions
Sign ups and Rally Dates 5000 people have already signed up
Update: Over 10000 people gathered at the White House to protest the Keystone XL Transcanada Pipeline.
Pipeline Used Substandard Steel:
Giant Loophole in the hearings of the proposed Keystone XL Pipeline sends 10000 public statements into a virtual blackhole. No one is obligated to "look" at them, if they choose... "The State Department has lost tens of thousands of submissions and cannot say how the remainder will be handled or will influence the pending decision."
Oil Spill | Factbox: A Year Of Canadian Oil Pipeline Ruptures
Enbridge, Keystone, Kinder Morgan Transcanada tote Safe Pipelines?
If only follow the facts, the existence of many leaks over the last year should trump all the bells, whistles and bullying and corruption these self interested oil tycoons can muster.
Transcanada tries to destroy State environmental concerns as unconstitutional
State Departments to review Keystone XL
"...The inspector general's review will be widespread, involving several State Department bureaus and officials "
Fact Check: Keystone XL Tar Sands Pipeline Isn’t A Job Creator
.."Pipeline could actually cost jobs by hurting the development of alternative energy and allowing for the export of oil from the Midwest and driving up the cost of gasoline in that region."
"By repeating inflated numbers, the supporters of KXL approval are doing an injustice to the American public in that expectations are raised for jobs that simply cannot be met. These numbers —hundreds of thousands of jobs!—then get packaged as if KXL were a major jobs program capable of registering some kind of significant impact on unemployment levels and the overall economy. This is plainly untrue."
The corruption of the 1% is compromising our health, our land, our water, our freedoms, and our future. What was hidden is now clear.
From Keystone to Monsanto, the government's practice of endorsing these atrocities can no longer be hidden. The message has rung out loud and clear worldwide. When people respond with their pocketbooks, this will be the change. Knowledge is power. We are the change.
The World vs. Wall Street Petition
Wow. 436 000 signatures and counting! ♥Avaaz petition has hit 800 000 signatures and counting. Knowledge is power. We stand with you in this struggle for real democracy. Together we can end the capture and corruption of our governments by corporate and wealthy elites, and hold our politicians accountable to serve the public interest. We are united - the time for change has come!
G20 - People in, corporate sponsors out "As citizens concerned about the economic crisis we urge you to clean up the G20 summit. Corporate sponsors have been allowed access and visibility, while people are excluded. Corporate sponsorship of this and subsequent summits must be rejected."
Click to kick the corporate sponsors out of the G20